Friday, March 8, 2013

frozen baby food

Another day spent in slippers and unbrushed hair... makes me realize I am in serious need of a night out with my husband, high heels, and red lipstick. Maybe someday! In the mean time:

Besides the fact that you never REALLY know what's in canned foods that are sold at the store, and that you probably don't want to be feeding mystery food to your baby, if you haven't noticed, baby food can get expensive.

I've perfected a great money-saver that completely satisfies my little pumpkin! All kinds of fruits and vegetables can easily be steamed (certain vegetables need to be cooked a little longer than others) and pureed in a food processor. One of the great things about making it myself is that I can introduce Maggie to spices that she probably wouldn't get in many baby foods, which tend to be on the blander side. So far (she's only been eating "food" for a couple weeks) she's only had parsley and cinnamon, but soon she'll be eating the classic Italian spices. Yum!

I make several batches of baby food each week and freeze them, and defrost during the week as necessary.

Broccoli & Spinach

Banana & Peach

Finished Product!

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